*MISCARRIAGE: Causes and Prevention*
Most people think that most miscarriages women have is as a result of witchcraft or should I say "Village people". But there are so many factors medically that causes miscarriage.
Most people are ignorant of these factors and then they think it is their village people. But unfortunately so many miscarriages are 95% medical and 5% spiritual (of course I won't neglect this fact), but let's talk about the medical aspect of it.
Miscarriage is abortion occurring normally (oxford dictionary) and of course you know this mostly observed in females.
Most females don't know that nature on its own aborts baby in the womb, when the foetus in the womb has some strange characteristics, the body fighting cells of woman (white blood cells) can fight against the antigen of the foetus then naturally the foetus is being aborted and miscarriage will occur.
Medically we know that fortis in a woman is being developed in the womb (uterus)and the mother is connected to the fortis by the placenta through which the foetus receives nutrient and other essential materials for growth and development. (The umbilical cord connects the foetus and placenta through which the nutrients pass through from the woman to the foetus).
But there are some medical situations where aborting of the foetus occurs naturally and I will like to talk briefly about them and then the causes and prevention of miscarriage.
There are some medical situation in which foetus are being aborted naturally, and I will talk about three (3) medical situations.
1.) *PRESENCE OF LETHAL GENE:* If the foetus has any trace of a lethal gene, nature terminates the baby/foetus and it leads to miscarriage.
The question you will be asking is *"What is an example of lethal gene?.*
Okay, relax, let's talk about the most common lethal gene that causes miscarriages in women.
*→ Polydactyl (possession of an extra finger):* Polydactyl is the situation where an individual or a person has an extra finger or toe. People with this gene are usually born and they are alive but I will explain deeply about how this causes abortion.
Now let me go deep into medical genetics and explain this. There is something called dominant gene and recessive gene. A dominant gene is that gene that dominates and the gene suppresses the recessive gene. A recessive gene is one that is dormant and not dominating, it is being suppressed and not allowed to show its expressivity but it can show its expression later, maybe in the third or fourth generation (depending).
Let me give an example, when a man is tall (TT) and marries a short woman (tt), all the children (first generation)will be tall I.e the tall gene of the father is dominating in the first generation and the woman gene is being suppressed (recessive)but later on the gene of the woman will dominate later in the generation ( second or third or fourth......).
And that's when you can see a short man marrying a short woman and almost all the children are tall, its because possibly the recessive gene of tallness either in the man's family or in the woman's family became dominant in the children.
Polydactyl (P) has a recessive and dominant gene. Representation of recessive gene for polydactyl (pp) and for dominant gene (PP). People without the lethal gene (polydactyl) are recessive (pp), people that are alive with polydactyl are those with the lethal gene heterozygous(Pp. The ones with this polydactyl are the ones who we see have six fingers or six toes, when a child has this gene heterozygous nature don't terminate the child and the baby will be born with six fingers or six toes. But when the lethal gene is dominant (PP), nature terminates the baby. When the antibodies of the woman sees that the foetus has a dominant lethal gene of polydactyl (PP), immediately nature terminates the baby which leads to miscarriage, this is one of the medical situation.
2.) *Chromosomal Aberration:* Before I talk about chromosomal aberration or variation, let me say some few things about chromosome.
Chromosome is a cell organelle that houses the hereditary materials (gene $ DNA) and it performs a lot of function. The most common function of chromosome is the *SRT function*, S→ Store hereditary information, R→ Replicate hereditary information and T→ Transmit hereditary information, these hereditary information are contained in the genes that the chromosome houses.
Humans have a total of 46- Chromosomes (23pairs), the last pair of chromosome (which is the 23rd chromosome pair) is the sex chromosome. Males tend to have XY-Sex Chromosome and female tend to have XX-Sex Chromosomes. Then from the first pair of Chromosome (which is normally called Chromosome-1) to the 23rd Chromosome pair (chromosome 23) are called *Autosomes or Non-sex chromosome.* Let me chip in something, the determining of the sex of a child is not on the mother to decide but the father because during sexual intercourse, the female can only release an X-Chromosome but the man either release an X-Chromosome or Y-Chromosome. If the man releases the X-Chromosome then its going to be a female, then if the man releases the Y-Chromosome, it will be a male, therefore man is the determining factor for the sex of a child.
Okay, let's continue, aberration of each of the chromosomes lead to so many syndrome that I can't explain now, although I will give hint about the syndromes.
→Klinefelter's Syndrome
→Turners Syndrome
→Tall and Aggressive syndrome. Etc.
→Aberration of Chromosome-21 pair leads to Down syndrome
→Aberration of Chromosome-13 pair leads to Patau's Syndrome
→Aberration of Chromosome-18 pair leads to Edward's syndrome
→Aberration of Chromosome-22 pair leads to Philadelphia Syndrome
→Aberration of Chromosome-5 pair leads to Cri-du-Chat Syndrome.
Aberration of the Chromosome-5 pair leads to miscarriage. This is a lethal gene too and once found in the foetus, nature terminates the baby and it leads to miscarriage.
3.) *Rhesus factor incompatibility:* This Rhesus factor was first found in monkey and genetically its found on the surface of red blood cells. A man or woman can either be Rh+(Rhesus factor positive) or Rh- (Rhesus factor negative). Rh+ and Rh- are incompatible, when blood transfusion is done between these two individual, agglutination will occur.
A Rh+ man should not medically marry a Rh- woman, this can lead to miscarriage. How?
When a man who is Rh+ have sex with a woman who is Rh-, they will give birth to children with Rh+.
Now when foetus is formed in the uterus (womb), some red blood cells of the foetus through the placenta gets to the red blood cells of the woman and immediately the white blood cells of the body reacts towards that red blood cells of the foetus that is Rh+ because they are incompatible but before the white blood cells get to know and react, the first child is born but the body develops a defensive mechanism in which when the man and woman have sex again and a foetus that is Rh+ is formed in the womb, then the antibodies will destroy the red blood cell of the foetus which medically is called *Erythroblastosis fetalis* I.e the blasting of the red blood cells of the fetus, this will lead to so many damages that will of course lead to the death of the child leading to miscarriage.
Let's talk about the physical activities that leads to miscarriage.
→Exposure to smoke daily
→Taking of Alcohol
→Low intake of food
→Reduced intake of water and fruits
→Lack of Anti-natal care
→Lack of hygiene especially at the vagina to not risk the exposure of a disease called *Trichonomiasis* by a parasite called *Tichronomas Vaginalis*
*Prevention to Miscarriage:*
*Medical prevention:*
→ The main prevention medically is by a process called *Amniocentesis or Amnion puncture.* At the 16th week of the pregnancy, insert a very thin needle through the mothers abdominal wall and through the membrane that covers the fetus and extract the amnion fluid surrounding the fetus and do chromosomal studies to check for any chromosomal aberration or lethal gene and from there medical doctors takes it up from there.
→Daily and standard Anti-natal
→Eating good and balanced food daily
→Daily Exercise
→Good hygiene
→Good fruits and drink a lot of water
→Stop the intake of Alcohol
→Have a strong relationship with God.
I will say that before we start to put blame on someone for a miscarriage, go and check medically what happened.
I know a question will be in your mind that *"why is nature killing children like that?*
The answer is *when the child with lethal gene is born, the life if the mother will be taken I.e. the woman will die"*
Thanks a lot for reading.
Please share and God bless you.
Researched By
Department of Med Lab
Enugu state university of Science and Technology
Most people think that most miscarriages women have is as a result of witchcraft or should I say "Village people". But there are so many factors medically that causes miscarriage.
Most people are ignorant of these factors and then they think it is their village people. But unfortunately so many miscarriages are 95% medical and 5% spiritual (of course I won't neglect this fact), but let's talk about the medical aspect of it.
Miscarriage is abortion occurring normally (oxford dictionary) and of course you know this mostly observed in females.
Most females don't know that nature on its own aborts baby in the womb, when the foetus in the womb has some strange characteristics, the body fighting cells of woman (white blood cells) can fight against the antigen of the foetus then naturally the foetus is being aborted and miscarriage will occur.
Medically we know that fortis in a woman is being developed in the womb (uterus)and the mother is connected to the fortis by the placenta through which the foetus receives nutrient and other essential materials for growth and development. (The umbilical cord connects the foetus and placenta through which the nutrients pass through from the woman to the foetus).
But there are some medical situations where aborting of the foetus occurs naturally and I will like to talk briefly about them and then the causes and prevention of miscarriage.
There are some medical situation in which foetus are being aborted naturally, and I will talk about three (3) medical situations.
1.) *PRESENCE OF LETHAL GENE:* If the foetus has any trace of a lethal gene, nature terminates the baby/foetus and it leads to miscarriage.
The question you will be asking is *"What is an example of lethal gene?.*
Okay, relax, let's talk about the most common lethal gene that causes miscarriages in women.
*→ Polydactyl (possession of an extra finger):* Polydactyl is the situation where an individual or a person has an extra finger or toe. People with this gene are usually born and they are alive but I will explain deeply about how this causes abortion.
Now let me go deep into medical genetics and explain this. There is something called dominant gene and recessive gene. A dominant gene is that gene that dominates and the gene suppresses the recessive gene. A recessive gene is one that is dormant and not dominating, it is being suppressed and not allowed to show its expressivity but it can show its expression later, maybe in the third or fourth generation (depending).
Let me give an example, when a man is tall (TT) and marries a short woman (tt), all the children (first generation)will be tall I.e the tall gene of the father is dominating in the first generation and the woman gene is being suppressed (recessive)but later on the gene of the woman will dominate later in the generation ( second or third or fourth......).
And that's when you can see a short man marrying a short woman and almost all the children are tall, its because possibly the recessive gene of tallness either in the man's family or in the woman's family became dominant in the children.
Polydactyl (P) has a recessive and dominant gene. Representation of recessive gene for polydactyl (pp) and for dominant gene (PP). People without the lethal gene (polydactyl) are recessive (pp), people that are alive with polydactyl are those with the lethal gene heterozygous(Pp. The ones with this polydactyl are the ones who we see have six fingers or six toes, when a child has this gene heterozygous nature don't terminate the child and the baby will be born with six fingers or six toes. But when the lethal gene is dominant (PP), nature terminates the baby. When the antibodies of the woman sees that the foetus has a dominant lethal gene of polydactyl (PP), immediately nature terminates the baby which leads to miscarriage, this is one of the medical situation.
2.) *Chromosomal Aberration:* Before I talk about chromosomal aberration or variation, let me say some few things about chromosome.
Chromosome is a cell organelle that houses the hereditary materials (gene $ DNA) and it performs a lot of function. The most common function of chromosome is the *SRT function*, S→ Store hereditary information, R→ Replicate hereditary information and T→ Transmit hereditary information, these hereditary information are contained in the genes that the chromosome houses.
Humans have a total of 46- Chromosomes (23pairs), the last pair of chromosome (which is the 23rd chromosome pair) is the sex chromosome. Males tend to have XY-Sex Chromosome and female tend to have XX-Sex Chromosomes. Then from the first pair of Chromosome (which is normally called Chromosome-1) to the 23rd Chromosome pair (chromosome 23) are called *Autosomes or Non-sex chromosome.* Let me chip in something, the determining of the sex of a child is not on the mother to decide but the father because during sexual intercourse, the female can only release an X-Chromosome but the man either release an X-Chromosome or Y-Chromosome. If the man releases the X-Chromosome then its going to be a female, then if the man releases the Y-Chromosome, it will be a male, therefore man is the determining factor for the sex of a child.
Okay, let's continue, aberration of each of the chromosomes lead to so many syndrome that I can't explain now, although I will give hint about the syndromes.
→Klinefelter's Syndrome
→Turners Syndrome
→Tall and Aggressive syndrome. Etc.
→Aberration of Chromosome-21 pair leads to Down syndrome
→Aberration of Chromosome-13 pair leads to Patau's Syndrome
→Aberration of Chromosome-18 pair leads to Edward's syndrome
→Aberration of Chromosome-22 pair leads to Philadelphia Syndrome
→Aberration of Chromosome-5 pair leads to Cri-du-Chat Syndrome.
Aberration of the Chromosome-5 pair leads to miscarriage. This is a lethal gene too and once found in the foetus, nature terminates the baby and it leads to miscarriage.
3.) *Rhesus factor incompatibility:* This Rhesus factor was first found in monkey and genetically its found on the surface of red blood cells. A man or woman can either be Rh+(Rhesus factor positive) or Rh- (Rhesus factor negative). Rh+ and Rh- are incompatible, when blood transfusion is done between these two individual, agglutination will occur.
A Rh+ man should not medically marry a Rh- woman, this can lead to miscarriage. How?
When a man who is Rh+ have sex with a woman who is Rh-, they will give birth to children with Rh+.
Now when foetus is formed in the uterus (womb), some red blood cells of the foetus through the placenta gets to the red blood cells of the woman and immediately the white blood cells of the body reacts towards that red blood cells of the foetus that is Rh+ because they are incompatible but before the white blood cells get to know and react, the first child is born but the body develops a defensive mechanism in which when the man and woman have sex again and a foetus that is Rh+ is formed in the womb, then the antibodies will destroy the red blood cell of the foetus which medically is called *Erythroblastosis fetalis* I.e the blasting of the red blood cells of the fetus, this will lead to so many damages that will of course lead to the death of the child leading to miscarriage.
Let's talk about the physical activities that leads to miscarriage.
→Exposure to smoke daily
→Taking of Alcohol
→Low intake of food
→Reduced intake of water and fruits
→Lack of Anti-natal care
→Lack of hygiene especially at the vagina to not risk the exposure of a disease called *Trichonomiasis* by a parasite called *Tichronomas Vaginalis*
*Prevention to Miscarriage:*
*Medical prevention:*
→ The main prevention medically is by a process called *Amniocentesis or Amnion puncture.* At the 16th week of the pregnancy, insert a very thin needle through the mothers abdominal wall and through the membrane that covers the fetus and extract the amnion fluid surrounding the fetus and do chromosomal studies to check for any chromosomal aberration or lethal gene and from there medical doctors takes it up from there.
→Daily and standard Anti-natal
→Eating good and balanced food daily
→Daily Exercise
→Good hygiene
→Good fruits and drink a lot of water
→Stop the intake of Alcohol
→Have a strong relationship with God.
I will say that before we start to put blame on someone for a miscarriage, go and check medically what happened.
I know a question will be in your mind that *"why is nature killing children like that?*
The answer is *when the child with lethal gene is born, the life if the mother will be taken I.e. the woman will die"*
Thanks a lot for reading.
Please share and God bless you.
Researched By
Department of Med Lab
Enugu state university of Science and Technology
Bravo I'm impressed 👏🏽
ReplyDeleteBig kudos, this is very enlightening and educating